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  • Writer's pictureKAZIMER BERNOTA

Ethics in engineering and life

Now that we have finished the ethics in engineering unit, I think that there are a good amount of ideas to consider for our own Capstone project. Of course we wont be designing the plans to construct a hotel or a skyscraper in Manhattan, however I think the most valuable lesson learned from this experience was to take into consideration that engineering isn't just a math problem. With whatever its purpose may be, the main reason for its construction directly involves the interactions of people, and as such we should hold peoples safety in high regards when thinking up new ideas to solve these problems.

As for myself, I haven't had too much going on. I've been pretty busy with school and outside of that I do fencing almost every other day. I have been listening to a lot of music as its the only thing I can keep exploring while doing other tasks, unlike TV shows which I usually never end up getting around to or finishing. Right now I've been going through the classics such as Pink Floyd and King Crimson, and I can confidently say that the latter is much better than the former. That's all I've really been up to in the last few months.

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